πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ german

Willkommen, motherfuckers!

German is definitely super entirely very totally hard to learn! Really. But I'm stubborn! So let's figure out the basics.

Note: I'm making heay use of ChatGPT as my language instructor, but informations here might be entirely accurate. Please let me know: joel at joeljuca dot com.

Verb tenses

German has the following tenses:

  • PrΓ€sens (Present tense)
  • PrΓ€teritum (Simple past tense)
  • Perfekt (Present perfect tense)
  • Plusquamperfekt (Past perfect tense)
  • Futur I (Future tense)
  • Futur II (Future perfect tense)
  • Konjunktiv I (Subjunctive I)
  • Konjunktiv II (Subjunctive II)

Each of these tenses has its own specific usage and forms, allowing you to express actions or events in various time frames and contexts. Keep in mind that some of these tenses, like the subjunctive forms, might be used more in written language or in formal contexts.

TOP 3 verbs: Sein, Haben, and Werden

When I asked ChatGPT for the TOP 3 most used verbs in the German language it came up with these three. Below are their conjugations.

Verb Sein (To Be)

  • Ich bin (I am)
  • Du bist (You are; informal singular)
  • Er/Sie/Es ist (He/She/It is)
  • Wir sind (We are)
  • Ihr seid (You are; informal plural)
  • Sie sind (They are; formal and plural "you")


  • Ich bin Student (I'm a student)
  • Du bist mein Freund (You are my friend)
  • Er ist sehr intelligent (He is very intelligent)
  • Wir sind glΓΌcklich (We are happy)
  • Ihr seid geschwister (You are siblings)
  • Sie sind Lehrer (They are teachers)

Sein is a crucial verb in German. Pretty much the most commonly used German verb. So, it's important to absolutely master it entirely, for real.

Verb Haben (To Have)


Verb Werden (To Become)